Svetlana Becomes a U.S. Citizen

On February 27, 2011, in Uncategorized, by Glenn Przyborski

Her friends from Eat 'n Park congratulate Svetlana Maine (wearing red, white & blue) on becoming a U.S. citizen

Svetlana Maine is the senior art director at Eat ‘n Park and she’s now an American citizen. Svetlana, a graduate of the Art Institute of Pittsburgh, is from Russia. As an intern, her work ethic and unique flare for original design quickly became apparent to Eat ‘n Park’s Cliff Miller and Kevin O’Connell. She was offered and accepted a full-time position before graduation.

Svetlana designs the artwork for many of Eat ‘n Park’s in-store promotions and other printed materials. She also creates title graphics that are used on television commercials for item/price inserts.

On Feburary 18th, Eat ‘n Park’s entire marketing and advertising team crowded the Federal Courthouse in downtown Pittsburgh to witness Svetlana Maine become a citizen of the United States. Congratulations Svet!

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