- About Przyborski Productions
- Show Reels
- Misc Videos
- Introduction of 24P (from 2002)
- Americana
- Images from a Summer Carnival
- River Rafting
- Scenes from a County Fair
- America Lost
- Moments@24fps (1999)
- Behind-the-Scenes Prop38 (2000)
- 1991 Pittsburgh Penguins
- Barth Bartholomae (1997)
- Behind-the-Scenes Pagetime (1998)
- Frontier Telephone (2000)
- Time Capsule: GNC 1993-1996
- Glenn
- Jimmy D
- Map
- Contact Info
- Scrapbook
There are several major films, including the latest Batman feature, who want to shoot in Western PA, but have been waiting for the Governor’s decision. In today’s complicated world of film finance, states bid against each other to see which can provide the biggest incentives to producers. Now the proposed budget has to be rammed through our state’s legislature.